Front Page Get a Loan

Get a Loan

The Natan Fund works for social equality of opportunity by providing non-profit loans to new entrepreneurs for the purpose of establishing a new and single business only. The loan is given up to NIS 240,000 according to the needs of the business and is without interest and without linkage to the cost of living index


In order to receive a loan from the Natan Fund, you must meet the following criteria


So what are the criteria?

  1. Resident and citizen of Israel
  2. Establishment of a new and single business for the entrepreneur
  3. Proven experience in the field of the new business
  4. Exhausting the financing options before applying to the fund (equity, banks)

Which businesses are not eligible for assistance from the fund?

The fund does not support businesses in the following areas:
Internet-based businesses, real estate, liberal professions (lawyers, accountants, architects, consultants, brokers, etc.), intellectual property and patents.


What is the amount of the loan offered by the fund?

The scope of the fund’s assistance to the entrepreneur who meets the criteria, in providing a loan of up to NIS 240,000, to be repaid in up to 60 months. The amount of the loan is adapted to the needs of establishing the business and is given as a loan without interest and linkage to the cost of living index. There are no extra costs.


What is the applicant required to submit?

  1. Filling up the online application form
  2. Attaching a detailed C.V
  3. Additional documents that will support the loan application

Are there any other requirements?

  1. Filling out a business plan in accordance to the foundation’s format
  2. Photocopy of the I.D and the appendix of the I.D
  3. Copy of a canceled check of the private account from which the loan will be repaid
  4. Data Report from the Bank of Israel
  5. C.V of the applicant
  6. Dealer/Incorporation Certificate
  7. Printout of the current register of companies (for companies only)
  8. Invoices/Quotes for investments in the business (for equipment, inventory, instruments, renovation, etc.)
  9. Reports of bank balances in all the developer’s accounts and business accounts
  10. Bank statements for the last 3 months
  11. Bank ID
  12. Profit and loss statements for the last three years of the business (in an active business or in the purchase of an existing business)
  13. Lease Agreement – draft/signed (if relevant)
  14. Partnership Agreement – draft / signed (if applicable)
  15. Purchase Agreement of an existing business – draft / signed (if applicable)
  16. Franchise Agreement – draft / signed (if applicable)
  17. Agreements with suppliers / customers (if relevant
  18. In all entrepreneur accounts and business accounts

What is required of the guarantors for the loan?

  1. Spouses cannot be guarantors for each other
  2. We do not accept guarantors who in the past or now, had limited bank accounts / cases in execution or bankrupts. After receiving approval for a loan from the fund, the details of the guarantors must be forwarded to us for approval (photocopy of full ID card + 3 recent payslips).
  3. Upon receiving the approval, the guarantors must sign a letter of guarantee in front of a certified attorney/CPA.

Can the loan payments be spread out?

The loan is without interest and linkage and without profit motive.
The spread of payments for a loan of up to NIS 100,000 is for 36 payments.
For a loan whose amount is more than NIS 100,000, it will be possible to spread out up to 60 payments. The grace period will be determined at the time of signing the agreement and will be included in the calculation of the loan period.


The loan application process


Submitting a preliminary application
By clicking here you will be transferred to fill out an online application form (in Hebrew),
it is recommended to prepare a CV file in advance.


Completing a full
business plan
If you match the criteria, you will be asked to complete necessary documents.


Interview at the fund’s offices
After examining the application and completing the documents, you will be invited to an interview at the fund. By the end of the interview you will be advised of the approval or refusal of the loan.


Completion of documents
after interview
Submitting details of guarantor/s for confirmation and related documents, if required


Loan Agreement
Signing a Loan Agreement at the fund’s offices and handing over post dated checks for the repayment of the loan.


Good Luck!
Your success is our success

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