Success Stories

Shulamit Damentcheko, 32, Children’s Dentist, Jerusalem
“I’m a new comer in Israel (5 years) and i’ve heard of Keren Nathan through a business adviser at MATI Jerusalem (Business Development Center). I plucked the courage to approach them and had a very pleasant reception. Warm, earnest, quick and focused. Once I got my documents in line they gave me an interview, where I told them of my dream and it has come true. The loan i received enabled me to buy the necessary equipment, helped with marketing and the rental of the clinic. I highly recommend to any entrepreneur with a vision to turn to keren Nathan. They believe in dreams”
You are welcome to follow Shulamit on instagram

Sahar Dalal & Tal Dayan, 30, 33, Fitness Studio, Jerusalem
“We first turned to MATI Jerusalem (Business Development Center) and they told us about keren Nathan. Despite of the fact that we actually did not meet their criteria, they believed in us and gave us the loan. Thanks to them we were able to renovate the studio, get equipment and open the business. It is very clear that they are here to help you start your own business, being so accommodating, allowing flexibility with the return payments and the entire experience is positive and humane. We highly recommend to turn to them if you want to start your own business”
You are welcome to check out Saar and Tal’s site

Ofek Cohen, 31, Langeree Studio, Jerusalem
“For an entrepreneur, raising capital to start your business is a major challenge and even more so when it comes to the textile industry. I heard of Keren Nathan through friends and filed a request for a loan. Once they were happy with my business plan they believed in my vision approved of the loan. Thanks to them my dream has come true. Thank you Keren Nathan for believing in me.

Nur Minawi, 34,
Ceramicist, Tel Aviv
“I turned to The Nathan Foundation in desperation having failed to find funding for my new business. The process I went through was short and simple. Following an in-depth interview where I presented my dream of opening a ceramics studio, my loan was approved. The Nathan Foundation has given me self confidence and thanks to them I am now the proud owner of a thriving business”

Chen Asaraf, 34,
Fashion Designer, Bet Shemesh
“I found The Nathan Foundation on Google. As a young entrepreneur with a dream of opening a fashion studio, I had no prior knowledge of this foundation. Having verified that I fit their requirements I came to the meeting initially feeling a bit skeptical but soon found out that I was dealing with professionals. Thanks to the help I received from the foundation I was able to move into proper premises and build a new collection. The Nathan Foundation helped me conquer the world, become a brand name, and work with the country’s top celebrities”.

Nathan Bengio, 33
Drone Photogrammetrist, Yagel
“I came to The Nathan Foundation because of a recommendation from a business advisor. As a newcomer to Israel I first tried other means of raising loans but was turned down. After meeting The Nathan Foundation I felt like my dream was finally coming true. And so it was. Acquiring the loan was simple and easy, and it enabled me to purchase the necessary equipment for my business. Without The Nathan Foundation I couldn’t have made it. My success is the best way I can think of thanking them”.

Shani Berginer Betite, 33,
Movement studio, Herzliya
“I came to The Nathan Foundation having tried every other avenue to finance my business and almost giving up. At the foundation I met people who were able to listen to my initiative with patience and care, and after presenting a solid business plan, my loan was approved. A lot of people ask me about The Nathan Foundation and the honest truth is that it’s a fund created for the sole purpose of helping entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams. It’s as simple as that”.

Ika Cohen, 47,
Chocolatier, Tel Aviv
“The Nathan Foundation is the biggest gift a business can get. It sounds like a fairytale to the extent that people are suspicious of it. But I quickly understood that these are real professionals offering real help. Thanks to them I’ve got a thriving business and when it comes to chocolate, there’s nothing sweeter than that”

Elazar Korendreksler, 40,
Matzah Bakery, Bet Shemesh
“Starting a matzah bakery was my dream, but I had no way of funding it. After a long search I found the Nathan Foundation through a financial advisor and I immediately felt at home. Their willingness to help was surprising and once I presented a business plan my loan was approved. Finally I was able to open the bakery and today I employ 50 workers. The Nathan Foundation is the embodiment of charity. If you believe, you will find what you are looking for”.

Netanel Gamlyel, 39,
Butchery, Tel Aviv
“The Nathan Foundation is a rare bird in this country’s economy. Having tried many sources in the attempt to get a decent loan, I came to The Nathan Foundation with a small idea to open a butchery. They took me through a wonderful, professional and caring process and gave me the sense that my success is theirs, this to me is the highlight of The Nathan Foundation”

Sigalit Stern, 49,
Gluten Free Food, Herzliya
“I’ve managed to build my dream business only thanks to the loan I received from The Nathan Foundation. It was a tough journey mainly because of the high standards and heavy demands of the Health Ministry, but The Nathan Foundation was there for me with all along the way with an embrace that I needed so badly. To me that embrace is the essence of The Nathan Foundation”

Yachdav Gilbar & Gregori Zilber,
35, 36, Glass Blowing Studio,
“We first heard about The Nathan Foundation while working on our business plan with the aid of a business advisor. It was clear to us that we will need financial aid to build our business. The process of submitting our request for a loan was functional and efficient and we got the loan which enabled us to buy the necessary equipment and open our studio. Then came covid and to our amazement, The Nathan Foundation approached us of their own accord and suggested that we delay our repayments until the crisis is over. Sometimes reality surpasses all imagination. And yes, there is such a thing as philanthropy, and that’s a fact”

Yehonathan and Karina Refael,
42, 49, Cheese Dairy, Natur
“We had a small dairy at home at the south of the Golan Hights. Thanks to The Nathan Foundation we were able to open a boutique goat cheese dairy. We couldn’t believe that we are being offered an interest free loan and all along the process we felt that the people at the foundation really want to help us. We are very happy to have been able to refer more businesses from the Golan Hights to The Nathan Foundation and we highly recommend it to all new entrepreneurs”

Nazim and Enas Gavish,
44, 34, Daycare Facility, Yarka
“The Nathan Foundation has helped us fulfill our dream to open a daycare facility in Yarka. I’ve know about The Nathan Foundation through my work as an financial advisor and after consulting with my wife we turned to them and submitted a business plan. We felt at home from that moment onwards. The care and the professional help that we received, left no room for doubts that we have won. The loan was given to us in good faith without any hidden clauses. The people at The Nathan Foundation are truly ambassadors of goodwill”

Tal Hodara, 36,
Hydroponics Greenhouse, Elishama
“I came to The Nathan Foundation through a financial advisor with a concern that they might turn me down because growing vegetables in hydroponic Greenhouses is still not very common. To my surprise I found an open hear and a great willingness to flow with my initiative. After presenting the full scope of my plan, I received my loan and started my business knowing all along that amazing people are covering my back and will do everything to help me succeed! The sense of safety that I got is what makes The Nathan Foundation so unique”

Noa Gorali, 26,
Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner,
Zur Moshe
“I found The Nathan Foundation by looking online for a fund that helps small businesses. I left my details, they got back to me within a day and we started the process. I organized the required documents and built an in depth business plan. With the loan I bought the water walker necessary for the dog strengthening and restoration center, Dogotherapy that I opened. The water walker is in daily usage and is one of the most efficient rehabilitative tools existing for dogs. I highly recommend turning to The Nathan Foundation for a loan on your way to fulfill a dream of opening a new, active and successful business”

Shai Ben Shabat, 49,
Barber, Tel Aviv
“The Nathan Foundation has helped me regain trust in people. When I decided to make a career shift and start my business, they were the only ones who believed in me and enabled me to fullfil my dream. The process was simple and full of empathy. The exact sum I got, is the sum I have to pay back, no frills attached. Decency the whole way through”